Class | Description |
Add |
Sums any number of inputs.
Envelope which can be set with an arbitrary number of points
the envelope is constructed with linear lines between each
specifed point.
The Fast Grain Transform & Resynthesis all in one AO!
AllPass |
AllPass filters ...
Comb |
Comb filters ...
Compressor |
Delay |
Envelope |
Envelope which can be set with an arbitrary number of points
the envelope is constructed with linear lines between each
specifed point.
EnvPoint |
A trivial class to act as an Envelope cooridnate
x is the time axis (in beats) and y is the amplitude
An FFT transformation from time to frq.
The Fast Grain Transform
Filter |
Chebyshev filters are a recursive or IIR (infinite impulse response) filter.
Grain2 |
An Audio Object for granulation
Granulator |
An AudioObject for granulating input.
InverseFFT |
An inverse FFT from frq to time.
Invert |
MassObject | |
Multiply |
Sums any number of inputs.
Noise |
The Noise class contains various noise waveform generators,
incluidng white noise and fractal noise.
NoteBuffer |
This class keeps a sample buffer the length of the
current note and feeds them to the chain.
NoteBufferReversed |
This class keeps a sample buffer the length of the
current note and feeds them to the chain in the
reversed order.
Oscillator |
The Oscillator class can generate steady tones with
various wave shapes, inlcuding sine, cosine, triangle, sawtooth,
pulse wave, square, and more.
Pluck | |
ReSample | |
Smooth |
Splitter |
The Splitter AudioObject is responsible for splitting in input
signal into multiple output signals.
Spring | |
SpringObject | |
SpringPipe | |
StereoPan |
TapDelay |
Tap Delay ...
Value |
The Value object provides a mechanism for passing
audio objects static values.
Volume |
Wavelet |
The Wavelet Transform
Waveshaper |
Distorts the input by a specified transfer function.
WaveTable |
Wavetable lookup creates an efficient means for resampling data
into any frequency.
Window |