audio MIDI Music Algorithms Interfaces Programming Acoustics Context
> Audio > Synthesis    

The creation of sound is through synthesis.

In this section we examine some of the methods of sound synthesis
and how to incorporate them into your digital instrument




>>  Pitch in hertz
          This example will show how you can specify any frequency for jMusic notes

>>  Realtime audio in jMusic
          This tutorial provides an introduction to real time audio with jMusic

>>  Spray - Audio file segmenting
          This tutorial shows how the audio can be used in a creative way

>>  Rendering a note as an audio file
          This class prints the sine wave data to the standard output rather than to an audio file.

>>  Seeing the audio data
          This class prints the sine wave data to the standard output rather than to an audio file.

>>  Rendering a phrase
          This class shows a multi-note phrase can be rendered as an audio file.

>>  Rendering with a triangle waveform
          This class shows how a simple score can be rendered as an audio file using a triangle waveform.

>>  Creating a Noise
          This class shows the rendering of an audio file with white noise.

>>  Noise bursts for notes
          This class shows how a simple score can be rendered as an audio file. It produces a single note sine wave.

>>  Two audio instruments at once
         This class shows how to render two parts with different instruments.

>>  Texture as Timbre
         This class shows how sine waves can be overlayed to combine timbral and textual effect. This creates a psudeo additive synthesis result.

>>  Rendering with multiple Instruments
         This class extends the score to use three instruments and uses two contrapuntal lines.

>>  Additive synthesis Introduction
          This tutorial shows how sine tones can be combined to create rich timbres.   

>>  Additive Synthesis
          jMusic can be used to create instruments with all manner of synthesis systems.
          One of the easiest to understand is additive synthesis, where  multiple sine waves of different frequencies are summed.  

>>  Overtones and Harmonics

          All partials identified by Fourier analysis (a decomposition of sounds into thier sine wave components)
          are referred to as overtones.  

>>  Spectral Morphing
          This tutorial shows how dynamic timbres can be generated by changing the balance between overtones with amplitude envelopes. 

>>  Layering Sounds
         This tutorial will demonstrate how waveforms of different types can be added together at the instrument level.   

>>  jMusic Instrument Architecture
         This tutorial reveals how a jMusic instrument class is structured.

>>  Signal Flow
        This tutorial explains the standard way of indicating signal flow and how to create an jMusic instrument from a signal flow diagram.

>>  Audio Objects
         This tutorial provides details some of the jMusic audio objects and has a class that uses three different instruments.

>>  More Audio Objects
         This tutorial reveals how a jMusic instrument class is structured.

>>  Dynamic Instrument Parameters
         This tutorial shows how audio objects can have variations built into them.

>>  Frequency Modulation (FM) Synthesis
          A prominent, yet not always clearly understood, synthesis process is Frequency Modulation

>>  Granular synthesis

          jMusic can be used to create sound textures based on granular synthesis techniques

>>  Instrument Constants in the JMC
          General MIDI Set - The following fields can be used instead of the actual program numbers


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