audio MIDI Music Algorithms Interfaces Programming Acoustics Context
> Music Algorithms > Analysing    

Musical Algorithms

In preparation for, or in the making of music, it is common to listen and reflect on the music,
or related music.

In this section we look at how music that is represented digitally can be analysed,
either in preparation for algorithm development or as part of machine listening.




>>  Simple Analysis of MIDI files
          In this example we'll look at how to read in a MIDI file (created by jMusic or some other program) and perform a basic statistical analysis on it.

>>  jMusic Tools and Utilities
          This tutorial will introduce you to the organisation of classes close to the heart of jMusic, the arrangement of data, tools and utilities,
          and how you can use these most effectively.

>>  Histogram
          The Histogram class can display a graph of how frequently particular note attributes occur within a score.

>>  Stochastic Matrix
          Stochastic processes allow us to choose an outcome based on a random number.

>>  Markov Chains 1
          Andrei Andreevich Markov was a Russian mathematician who discovered a technique for recording the dependencies between items in series

>>  Markov Matrix (Part 2)
          If Markov matrices were limited to a single state per seed then their musical usefulness would be limited.
          This very simple application builds on the application presented in the preceding stochastic matrix tutorial.






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