SoundCipher is a music and sound processing library for Processing version 1, which is mostly deprecated these days. Written in 2010 before the days of WebAudio, SoundCipher provided an easy way to create music in the Processing development environment. With the SoundCipher library added to Processing you could write software programs that make music to go along with your graphics and add sounds to enhance your Processing animations or games.
SoundCipher provides an easy interface for playing ‘notes’ on the JavaSound synthesizer, for playback of audio files, and communicating via MIDI. It provides accurate scheduling and allows events to be organised in musical time; using beats and tempo. It uses a ‘score’ metaphor that allows the construction of simple or complex musical arrangements. SoundCipher is designed to facilitate the basics of algorithmic music and interactive sound design as well as providing a platform for sophisticated computational music, it allows integration with the Minim library when more sophisticated audio and synthesis functionality is required and integration with the oscP5 library for communicating via open sound control.
Like most of the Processing ecosystem, SoundCipher is a free, open source project released under the GNU GPL license.