Andrew R Brown

Creativity - Technology - Learning
Andrew R Brown

Real-Time Systems

In the Real-Time Systems course, which is part of the Creative Music Technology major of the Bachelor of Music at Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University, students create and perform bespoke software instruments using Pure Data (Pd), …

Immersive Audio-visual Objects

Mauricio Iregui (PhD) This project, Immersive Audio-visual Objects: New Opportunities at the Intersection of Electronic Music and Interactive Visual Media, queries how we experience sound and moving image, with a particular emphasis on immersivity. The …


Andrew R. Brown is an active computer musician, computational artist, designer of creative tools, researcher, educator and supervisor of research students. He works as Professor of Digital Arts at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia. His research activities focus on modelling creative intelligence, the aesthetics of computational processes, and the design of generative and interactive audiovisual experiences.

Music on SoundCloud

Over the years I’ve posted various musical creations on my SoundCloud account. It provides an overview of my creative journey and features the many approaches I’ve adopted in my co-creative practice with algorithmic systems.

Visualising disillusionment with politics: An exploration of remixed media and commercial design practices

Rae Cooper (DVA) This research aims to further establish the position of visual communication design as an agent of meta-systemic political engagement. It responds to the question: “How can visual communication design visualise disillusionment with …

Sculptural Sonic Agents

Sculptural Sonic Agents is a collaboration between Andrew Brown and John Ferguson. The goal is to explore the development of sonic sculptural agents, these ‘agents’ are bespoke instruments that comprise artificial listening and sound generating capabilities. They …

The Unseen Water: The Transmigration of Scientific Photography into the Domain of Art through Experimentation with the Scanning Electron Microscope

Anastasia Tyurina (PhD) This research involves aesthetic approaches to scientific microphotography. Scientific photography is commonly perceived as a way of recording scientific data through techniques such as photomicrography, high-speed photography, time-lapse photography, x-ray photography, aerial …

Tile Town

Tile Town is a web-based audio-visual work combining multi-agent generative systems and audio field recordings. It explores computational processes as a design prompt and examples of unfolding intelligence. The project builds a contemplative commentary on …


A composition for live performer and algorithmic music system. Ripples is a musical duet where the human performance stimulates a cascade of responses from the machine. The work emphasises chordal and arpeggiated material derived, in …

Modular Synthesis and the Unconscious: An Exploration of the Role of Technology and Self-Reflection in Sound Creation and Compositional Process

In this research, David Chechelashvili situates electronic music-making with a modular synthesiser within a broader context of technologically mediated music composition and the various traditions and philosophical underpinnings derived from psychoanalytic writings of Freudian origin …