Creativity - Technology - Learning
Category: <span>Supervision</span>

Crafting sonic expression: Absurdist costume-based instruments for novel participant experience

Tara Pattenden – PhD This project will combine wearables with participatory practices to discover how costume-based, audience-worn instruments – with visually impactful and intuitive electronic interfaces – can enhance engagement and expression for co-authored audience …

Immersive Audio-visual Objects

Mauricio Iregui (PhD) This project, Immersive Audio-visual Objects: New Opportunities at the Intersection of Electronic Music and Interactive Visual Media, queries how we experience sound and moving image, with a particular emphasis on immersivity. The …

Visualising disillusionment with politics: An exploration of remixed media and commercial design practices

Rae Cooper (DVA) This research aims to further establish the position of visual communication design as an agent of meta-systemic political engagement. It responds to the question: “How can visual communication design visualise disillusionment with …

The Unseen Water: The Transmigration of Scientific Photography into the Domain of Art through Experimentation with the Scanning Electron Microscope

Anastasia Tyurina (PhD) This research involves aesthetic approaches to scientific microphotography. Scientific photography is commonly perceived as a way of recording scientific data through techniques such as photomicrography, high-speed photography, time-lapse photography, x-ray photography, aerial …

Modular Synthesis and the Unconscious: An Exploration of the Role of Technology and Self-Reflection in Sound Creation and Compositional Process

In this research, David Chechelashvili situates electronic music-making with a modular synthesiser within a broader context of technologically mediated music composition and the various traditions and philosophical underpinnings derived from psychoanalytic writings of Freudian origin …