Using jMusic on Windows
This page assumes you have installed
Java, the Java SDK (Software development kit) and jMusic. See
the install instructions if required.
DOS Prompt
Java programming involves running
programs from the command line, or DOS prompt. You can open a
DOS window to display the command line by choosing "MS-DOS Prompt" from
the "Programs" section of the Windows "Start" menu, or Just type 'cmd'
in the run window found under the 'start' menu. Get this running.
Java runner and compiler
The command line allows you to type
commands, such as java and javac (the Java compiler). Try typing each
of these at the command line and pressing return.
Because they are incomplete commands you will get an error
message describing the correct usage of the commands. But this
will at least prove you have them installed. (The C:> in
this text indicates the dos prompt - only type what's after
it). Try each of these commands.
C:> java
C:> javac
Changing directories
If you do not get a usage error for javac
then it may be best to navigate to the javac directory and work from
there. For example, if your Java SDK wa installed in
C:\jdk1.4 you would type C:> cd C:\jdk1.4\bin
The command cd is an abbreviation of
change directory.
The DOS prompt will change to indicate
your current directory location, It may read C:\jdk1.4\bin> but in
this page I will always abbreviate it
to C:>
This is not a convenient way to get javac
to to work. In the next section we'll create a new directory and work
from in there. When we do so we can access
the javac by explicitly using its full path name.
C:> C:\jdk1.4\bin\javac
Creating directories
Assuming you have a jMusic directory
already let's create a folder within that for our Java work. At the
prompt type C:> mkdir C:\jMusic\JavaWork
You can follow these changes to
directories and files in a Windows Explorer window as you go along to
keep a familiar eye on what we're doing here.
Navigate to this new directory, we'll
work from here.
C:> cd
Editing files
To proceed further we need a java file to
work with. Java files are simple text files and DOS includes a suitable
editor - called edit. To start the editor
type C:> edit
Type in this simple Java program.
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println("Java works"); } }
Use the menu commands in edit to save the
file to your work directory with the name,
here is the directory path as a reminder - C:\jMusic\JavaWork\
Use Windows Explorer to look inside the
JavaWork folder to make sure the Test file is saved there.
Exit from the editor.
The javac command is used for compiling.
It needs to know where the file is located, so we specify its
A hint: You may often need to retype the
same commands so there is a program that can recall previously typed
commands using the up and down arrow keys. C:> doskey
To compile type C:>
A file called Test.class should be
created in the JavaWork directory.
To run the class file use the java
command with a class path and file name. Notice that when running you
omit any suffix from the program name.
C:> java
-classpath "C:\jMusic\JavaWork" Test
You should see the words Java Works
appear at the command line. The System.out.prinln command sends a line
of text [a string] to the command line while the
program is running.
Adding jMusic
Start edit, and open the file and change
it to add these jMusic additions.
import jm.JMC; import*; import jm.util.*; public class Test implements JMC { public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println("Java works"); Score s = new Score(new Part(new Phrase(new Note(C4, MINIM)))); Write.midi(s, "Test.mid"); } }
Save the file. Quit edit. Recompile the
class (remember to use the up arrow to save typing). Rerun
the program. A MIDI file with one note should be added to your
JavaWork directory, and jMusic will print various messages to
the command line as it proceeds.
To compile or run you will need to set
the classpath to jMusic.
C:> C:\jdk1.3\bin\javac
-classpath "C:\jMusic\lib\jmusic.jar"
C:> java
-classpath "C:\jMusic\JavaWork;C:\jMusic\lib\jmusic.jar" Test
Now it's time for you to make changes to
the program and to practice the edit, compile run cycle.