import jm.JMC; |
OK, that was kind of boring. Lets look at real-time granular synthesis:
This consists of 2 files. A main file, and an RTLine file.
You will need an audio file called "song1.au" and the GranularInstRT instrument to run this second example.
Lets look at the main file first:
// This example uses Java Sliders to control the granular process. import jm.JMC; import jm.music.data.*; import jm.audio.*; import jm.audio.synth.Granulator; import jm.util.*; import jm.audio.RTMixer; import jm.music.rt.RTLine; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.*; /** * Real-time Granulator sample * Made using JSliders. * * A more complex version of this instrument has been written using * MIDI control. It was used for the Poseidon - a Granular Texture Controlling Fish - * in the REV concert at the Brisbane Powerhouse. More information on this, and on * Granular Synthesis can be obtained at: http://zor.org/synthesis * * This file is used in conjunction with RTSliderGrainLine * * Author: Timothy Opie * Latest Update: 24/06/2002 * Designed to function with jMusic designed by * Andrew Sorensen and Andrew Brown */ public final class RTSliderGrainmaker implements JMC,ChangeListener,ActionListener { private RTMixer mixer; private RTSliderGrainLine grain; private JSlider duration, density, volume; private JToggleButton asyn; private int sampleRate = 44100; public static void main(String[] args){ new RTSliderGrainmaker(); } private GranularInst rtGranularInst; public RTSliderGrainmaker(){ int channels = 2; double controlRate = 0.25; int bufferSize = (int)((sampleRate*channels) *controlRate); Instrument[] instArray = new Instrument[1]; for(int i=0;i<instArray.length;i++){ instArray[i] = new GranularInst("song1.au",bufferSize); } rtGranularInst = (GranularInst) instArray[0]; grain = new RTSliderGrainLine(instArray, controlRate, bufferSize); RTLine[] lineArray = {grain}; mixer = new RTMixer(lineArray, bufferSize, sampleRate, channels, controlRate); mixer.begin(); makeGUI(); } // this is where the sliders are set up! private void makeGUI(){ JFrame f = new JFrame("Granular Synthesis"); f.setSize(370, 180); JPanel pan = new JPanel(); f.getContentPane().add(pan); //grainduration duration = new JSlider(0,10,60,30); duration.addChangeListener(this); pan.add(duration); JLabel val=new JLabel("Grain Duration"); pan.add(val); // Grain Density density = new JSlider(0,5,120,60); density.addChangeListener(this); pan.add(density); JLabel val2=new JLabel("Grains per second"); pan.add(val2); // Grain Volume volume = new JSlider(0,0,20,10); volume.addChangeListener(this); pan.add(volume); JLabel val3=new JLabel("Grain Volume"); pan.add(val3); asyn = new JToggleButton("A/Syncronicity toggle"); asyn.addActionListener(this); pan.add(asyn); f.setVisible(true); } // This section sends the values of the sliders to the RTLine public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e){ if(e.getSource() == duration) { mixer.actionLines(duration, 1); } if(e.getSource() == density) { mixer.actionLines(density, 2); } if(e.getSource() == volume) { mixer.actionLines(volume, 3); } } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ if(e.getSource() == asyn){ mixer.actionLines(asyn, 4); } } } |
Now lets look at the RTLine file:
/** |
Enjoy :)
© 2002 Tim Opie |