The jam2jam software is an exciting new “instrument” that can be used in formal and informal music learning and performance settings. In arts education this new instrument can potentially be used as a means of making sense of new media in the classroom. It also gives arts teachers a tool that can shape completely new experiences for students without the restraints of having to know how to play an instrument, read music, edit images, or record video.

Jam2jam is an “instrument” that builds on basic skills of exploration and improvisation and encourages performance in a meaningful way. The generative nature of the Jam2jam instrument challenges the ways of thinking about and making music. Jammers are encouraged to be open to the stochastic results that the software produces. Depending on what kind of controllers are used and how many people are jamming together, the emphasis can shift between individual and collaborate, visual and aural, intuitive and analytic, or brain and body.

The jam2jam interface features instrument and video icons on a 2D control surface. Dragging the icons around changes values on two musical or visual parameters. Buttons around the edge of the surface select which audio and visual parameters are active at any time. Corner buttons activate play, record, review and share functions.

Jam2jam is designed for collaboration. Connect jam2jam systems together to form a band where everyone controls each others parameters. Jam2jam systems can be connected over a local network for jamming in one location or you can connect over the internet for remote jamming; all in real-time.

As well as playing jam2jam with the mouse the system can connect to external hardware controllers via MIDI or Open Sound Control allowing greater gestural engagement with the media manipulations.

jam2jam performances can include live audio input from a connected microphone and live video from the computer’s camera. Performances be captured as videos for review or sharing. Visit the jam2jam video channel or search for jam2jam on YouTube to see some examples.

For more information on the Network Jamming project email Dr. Steve Dillon.

jam2jam software is a product of Exploding Art Pty Ltd.



  1. 1.Generative Music

  2. 2.Video input and capture

  3. 3.Real-time interaction

  4. 4.Internet Collaboration

  5. 5.MIDI and OSC hardware control

About jam2jam


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